- 1 general meeting per year (½ day) + a number of focus group meetings each year to be determined in relation with the research work being undertaken (typically 2 per year and approx. 2h each; organised and facilitated by the Research Foundation)
- One theme for the year should be agreed by the membership at the general meeting, and deliberately chosen to challenge existing practices in the Security, Business Protection, Risk and Controls space
- The Research Foundation should produce a first draft position paper on the chosen theme, and submit it to the membership for peer review and comments
- Sub-themes should be identified in the first draft position paper and prioritised prior to submission to specific focus group meetings
- Focus group meetings should be drawn across the membership and bring together a small number of members (5 to 10) with a particular interest in the sub-theme being addressed
- The Research Foundation should refine the research material after each focus group meeting and circulate it to the focus group for peer review and comments
- The Research Foundation may also reach out beyond the membership for research purposes, either in the production of the first draft position paper or in preparation of the focus group meetings
- The final research output should be circulated to the membership for final peer review and comments. It should consist of one or several documents addressing the theme selected for the year, and reflecting the collective opinion of the membership on the matter (Where the theme touches on sensitive matters, the final research output should respect the anonymity of members and their firms)